Peace of Mind: Why we are here

Much of the information here concerns the services we provide, how they are regulated and the dedicated people that work with us to make it all possible. Considering the fact that as your care provider we will be coming through your door into your home however, we think it is important to tell you why we do what we do.

Making a difference, it is as simple as that. Being able to provide services and support for vulnerable members of our community enabling them to remain in their own home, to make a positive difference in their lives.

This is the reason why Peace of Mind exists and the founding principle that guides all it does for hundreds of people in our community every single day.

Our principles of care

  • Providing a service of unparalleled quality and value for money
  • To provide a service taking into account the needs and aspirations of our clients, keeping them at the very centre of our work
  • Providing a non-judgmental service, protecting at all times the rights of our clients to confidentiality and championing their free choice
  • All duties, requirements and alterations to our service delivery plan will be agreed with our client or their representative
  • Maintaining a relationship of mutual respect and understanding between staff and clients and wherever practicable to offer a preferred choice of call time and employee
  • Ongoing commitment to the professional education and development of all members of our workforce
  • Demonstrating our commitment to quality across the organisation by committing to the principles of quality management defined in ISO:9001 and continuous improvement as defined by ISO:9004
  • Respecting and encouraging all constructive comments from clients and employees, critical or otherwise and keeping these comments at the very centre of our ongoing service improvement
  • To provide services of a standard that we would wish to receive


Continue : How we can help